The FINS Way

Accuracy - Protection - Peace of Mind

With 10 note servicing offices, a dedicated team and years of combined experience, FINS provides the fast and efficient service you need. We have a penchant for accuracy and thrive off of checklists. Our secure online portal will keep your data and your privacy protected. As a neutral third party and local industry expert, we will review your financial documents quickly with care, so you have the peace of mind in your real estate transactions that the seller/lender and buyer/borrower are protected as note processing progresses. 


Our staff's combined half-century of experience has helped us perfect the FINS way. 

Staff is there to help at our 10 note servicing offices and are available to assist you online and on the phone. 

Our Promise

We take our process and planning seriously.

Once your process begins with FINS the with seller/lender, buyer/borrower or outside representative knowing their role in proposing, preparing and finalizing agreements from the sales terms and note processing requirements. FINS projects run smoothly with the help of our team. 



We promise to:

  • Process payments received to the satisfaction of both the Buyer/Borrower and the Seller/Lender.
  • Follow the conditions as outlined in the documents.
  • Answer customer's questions promptly and accurately.
  • Provide account access to customers 24/7 through our online portal.


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